NEW Hope and Mercies of each day with the break of dawn, symbolizing the fresh beginnings God provides to these precious babies.
We believe in the transformative power of adoption, reflecting the beauty of God’s love for humanity. Just as God has adopted us as His children, we aspire to mirror this profound act of grace by reaching out to lost children, saving them from adversity, and offering them a new identity filled with love, care, and a promising future.
Why babies?
In South Africa, more than 3800 babies are abandoned every year, and only one-third of the recovered babies are found alive. Daybreak House for Babies primarily focus on abandoned, neglected and unwanted babies from birth to two years of age.
"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness"
Desmond Tutu
Success Stories
Baby E
Placed at Daybreak severely ill. We nursed him back to health with 24/7 care. His parents had time to get back on their feet financially. Baby E and his parents were reunited after 4 months. We celebrated his 1st Birthday together at Daybreak House with his parents, family, and friends.
Baby C
Victim of human trafficking, born premature and fighting for her life. Baby C was placed in our care severely under weight at the age of 2 weeks old. Baby C flourished under our holistic care approach and reached all her milestones. Today baby C is in the care of her loving foster parents.
Baby M and M
Twin babies required eye treatment due to being born prematurely at 29 weeks. Despite receiving glasses, and following a conservative approach, their eyesight didn’t improve and without intervention, their vision was deteriorating. Without treatment, they may lose the ability to read or see nearby objects.
Chas Everitt International stepped up and raised more than R100 000 for necessary treatment. Baby M and M are currently under treatment thanks to Chas Everitt International.